Today, the President of the Republic of Srpska, Željka Cvijanović, has organized a working meeting with members of the Council for Creative Industries of the Republic of Srpska in the Palace of the Republic.

Drafting of a document that should define the existing capacities of creative industries, obstacles faced by developers from various fields, as well as mapping and proposing activities for better positioning, visibility, empowerment and networking of creative industries were discussed at the meeting.

The President Cvijanović stated that institutional support and a systemic approach were necessary for the development of creative industries, expressing her belief that, by improving that sector, the Republic of Srpska would promote the best it had, knowledge, creativity and talent. The President of the Republic said that the creative industries sector represented a great potential for the Republic of Srpska, and in that regard she emphasized the need to connect the Council with the most important international organizations that promoted this concept of cultural development, as well as support when it comes to the European cross-border funds. изразивши увјерење да ће унапређењем тог сектора Република Српска промовисати најбоље што поседује, знање, креативност и таленат.

Предсједница Републике је навела да сектор креативних индустрија представља велики потенцијал за Републику Српску, те у том смислу истакла потребу повезивања Савјета са најзначајнијим међународним организацијама, којe промовишу овај концепт културног развоја, као и подршке када су у питању европски прекогранични фондови.

На састанку је наглашена важност партнерства са Републиком Србијом  и њиховим искуствима у овој области.