The President of the Republic of Srpska said that the republic institutions would continue to help this local community in the realization of important projects, and one of the priorities is the construction of a playground near the central primary school and the expansion of the kindergartens’ capacity.

“We have agreed to act together according to the needs of certain social categories, and we have several things where we will intervene together when it comes to housing problems of demobilized soldiers, as well as many things that mean a better life and greater support for the population and local government”, said President Cvijanović.

The President of the Republic added that she supported the local government in its efforts to improve the road infrastructure, noting it would have the help of the republic institutions, and expressed satisfaction that the previous joint projects had either been implemented or were in the phase of implementation.

Предсједница Републике је додала да подржава локалну управу у настојањима да побољша путну инфраструктуру у чему ће имати помоћ и републичких институција, те изразила задовољство што су досадашњи заједнички пројекти или реализовани или су у фази реализације.