Today, the President of the Republic of Srpska, Željka Cvijanović, has organized a reception in her office for the President of the Federation of Local Authorities of Israel and the Mayor of the City of Modi'in-Maccabim-Reut, Haim Bibas.

On this occasion, the President Cvijanović welcomed Mayor Bibas to the Republic of Srpska, and thanked for last year’s cordial welcome in Modi'in-Maccabim-Reut.

During the meeting, the President of Srpska expressed full support for further improvement of successful cooperation between the Federation of Local Authorities of Israel and the Federation of Municipalities and Cities of the Republic of Srpska.

On this occasion, the interlocutors stated that the strong historical ties between the Serb and Jewish people represented a good foundation for further strengthening the relations between Israel and the Republic of Srpska, as well as between the local communities.