The President of the Republic of Srpska, Željka Cvijanović, has attended tonight in the Prijedor settlement Urije a charity dinner for the construction of the St. Sava parish home next to the Church of the Holy Prophet Elijah, and pointed out that she was pleased to see its construction progress.

“I am content and pleased that, as the President of the Republic, I can participate to a lesser extent in the realization of such a great project. I always feel good in Prijedor, not only because I am an honorary citizen, but also because the progress of what the republic and local authorities are making together can be measured here. I am sure that all citizens of Prijedor will benefit from such projects”, said the President Cvijanović.

The President of the Republic of Srpska announced that the republic and city authorities would continue to work together.

“There are still big things and challenges that need to be addressed. I am also grateful to the local authorities for the initiative they have shown, but also for the cooperation with the republic institutions”, the President of the Republic pointed out.