Today at the Palace of the Republic, the President of the Republic of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, held a press conference following meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Péter Szijjártó.

During this occasion, the President of the Republic of Srpska conveyed his deep respect for Hungary's political approach to the region and emphasized that Hungary is a natural partner for developing EU relations with the Balkans.

The President Dodik stated that today Srpska's desire and position on the European path have been reaffirmed.

“We want two things to be seen on the European path – first, Srpska with its competencies, and second, respect for the coordination mechanism in BiH and of course the constitutional position that BiH holds”, said the President of Srpska.

The President added that Srpska supports the simultaneous resolution of all 14 EU priorities.

The President Dodik emphasized that Srpska's policy does not involve NATO membership, due to historical issues in bilateral relations.

The President highlighted that Hungary and Srpska have no outstanding issues.

“This enables us to freely discuss aspects of relations that are crucial for the economy. We have gone further this time. I believe that in the coming months, new projects and relations in the fields of energy and agriculture will be defined. We have developed a successful program”, stated the President of Srpska.

The President Dodik mentioned that with Hungary, they aim to devise a strategy to mutually exploit known quantities of ores in a mutually beneficial manner.

The President announced that everyone who applied for agricultural support programs, regardless of the limited amount and the number of applications exceeding approvals, will be able to benefit from the program.

The President of the Republic of Srpska conveyed that the Minister Szijjártó clearly stated earlier that “they should talk with us, not about us, which is the essence of good relations”.

“We are pleased and welcome the fact that Hungary will soon take over the EU presidency”, emphasized the President Dodik, noting that the date of the visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to Srpska is known.

The President highlighted that the Prime Minister Orbán is a great friend of Srpska and that during his visit, contracts that are feasible at that time will likely be signed.

“We will not forget that Hungary helped Srpska to pass through a difficult year, for both them and us, like the one that has passed,”said the President of the Republic of Srpska.